Search Results for: increased visibility

Is publishing articles on my company page on LinkedIn good for SEO? Or is it better to post an article summary on LinkedIn, and then link to the full article on my website?

Yes, publishing articles on your company page on LinkedIn can be beneficial for your SEO. Here’s why: However, it’s important to note that: Regarding posting an article summary on LinkedIn and linking to the full article on your website, this … Continue reading

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Keyword Research: The Foundation of Successful SEO

Keyword research is the cornerstone of effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It involves identifying the specific words and phrases that potential customers are searching for online to find products or services like yours. By understanding these keywords, you can optimize … Continue reading

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How long does it take Google to index a page after you request indexing the page on Google Search Console?

Google doesn’t guarantee a specific timeframe for indexing a page after you request it through Google Search Console. There are several factors at play, but here’s a general idea: You can monitor the progress through the Search Console’s Index Coverage … Continue reading

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Unlocking the Power of the “Like” Feature: Understanding its Benefits for Websites

What are the benefits of having a “like” feature on a website? In the digital world, websites need engagement to thrive. One awesome way to do that is by adding a “like” feature. It lets users show they like or … Continue reading

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Can blogging help your business grow?

Absolutely, blogging can be a powerful tool for business growth. Here’s how:   Key factors for successful blogging: If you’re considering starting a blog for your business, it’s definitely worth exploring. And it’s easy to have a matching blog with … Continue reading

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Website Traffic Crash? Here’s How to Diagnose and Fix the Problem

“Ask David!” question: “My website traffic crashed. What should I do? Will switching to the UltimateWB website builder help?” UltimateWB as a website backend gives you a sleek code base that allows you to have a fast loading website, coded … Continue reading

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What is SEO and its importance in web development?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a set of practices that aim to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant searches. Imagine it like putting up a giant neon sign for your website, but … Continue reading

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What advantages does a mobile-friendly site have over a regular website that is not optimized for smartphones?

UltimateWB makes it easy to have a mobile-friendly, responsive website, so that it automatically reformats based on a user’s device size for the best experience, with the built-in Responsive app. A mobile-friendly site has a plethora of advantages over a … Continue reading

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How can a stellar website elevate your business?

A stellar website isn’t just a digital brochure; it’s a powerful tool that can transform your business in more ways than you might imagine. Here’s how: 1. First Impressions Matter: 2. Attract New Leads and Customers: 3. Showcase Your Expertise … Continue reading

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