Online Consultant

About Us

Who We Are and What We Do

UltimateWB is a Silicon Valley, California based software company specializing in do-it-yourself website builders for beginners to experts, including programmers and web developers, worldwide. If you don't want to design/build your own website, but still would like the option to manage/update your own website, we offer logo and web design packages.

We offer five versions of our software Ultimate Web Builder - Promo, Promo Unlimited, Essentials+, Lite, and Full. All are available for purchase with a one-time fee to download, or you can choose to use UltimateWB website builder on the Cloud, which couples our web hosting with website builder. We also offer optional domain name/web hosting with free SSL for those who have purchased the UltimateWB website builder and wish to buy their domain with us and/or host their website with us.

Our Mission

Our purpose is to provide the ultimate web solution for anyone creating a website, no matter the scope, topic, or complexity.  We have been very successful in making the web designing process faster and easier for all expertise levels, and enabling the complete web design newbie to integrate and customize features in their website that once was thought possible only by expert coders. You can build any type of website with UltimateWB, from hobby/business to e-commerce or social. 

The Future

While we add new features and apps to Ultimate Web Builder software, we always keep it flexible so that anyone can copy/paste and integrate plugins or other media code, and programmers and web developers may also add their own custom coding to work with the software.

One of our newest features that has gotten a lot of positive feedback is the Templates app - you can install a setup, such as social networking features or an online store, with the click of a button, and customize further via your website admin panel.

About Us