Is WordPress secured, easy to use?

To make sure your WordPress is secure, choose a good admin password and keep your WordPress updated to the newest version. Also security will depend on any WordPress plugins you choose. Regarding how easy WordPress is to use – for blogging it is easy, for website creating I don’t think it is so easy. You have to search for a theme to install if you don’t know coding, as there’s no built-in styles manager to create your own theme. And if you want any advanced features, you have to search, choose, and install a plugin, and integrate it within your WordPress website. With each WordPress update, you may have to update the plugin, and the plugin update may not be available and/or it may break your website. UltimateWB is a lot easier to use, with a built-in styles manager, and it’s very secure. And you won’t need to use third party plugins with UltimateWB because it has so many built-in apps that are very customizable.

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