A plus would be that you could host your web hosting on a server of your choice, but you can get that with any website builder that is not a hosted solution. Coding from scratch you don’t have to worry about not having flexibility for the functionalities or design you want due to the software, but again, you can get that flexibility with the right website builder. The pro of using software to not completely build your website from scratch is that you cut a lot of web development cost and time required to develop your website. You get a lot of built-in apps that are very customizable with UltimateWB. The UltimateWB built-in e-commerce app has a lot of features. You can build your custom e-commerce website in 1 day vs weeks by using UltimateWB and include features like coupon codes, “Related Items”, and “Customers who bought this also bought” sections. Plus you get an admin panel to easily manage your website.
Got a techy/website question? Whether it’s about UltimateWB or another website builder, web hosting, or other aspects of websites, just send in your question in the “Ask David!” form. We will email you when the answer is posted on the UltimateWB “Ask David!” section.