We have recently released a new upgrade for all versions of UltimateWB website builder software.
For UltimateWB Full, it includes an upgrade to the Members App, with the new option to redirect the user to their previous page that they were denied access to, after logging in.
The Social Login App in UltimateWB now includes an Apple login option as well, besides Facebook and Google. You can check it in action on the new free dating app ZeSpark:

We have also added more custom coding options, accessible via the Ad(d)s App. You can easily add/edit coding after the Sign Up via Google, Login via Google, Sign Up via Apple, and Login via Apple processess, besides the similar options for the Facebook social login.
And there are coding upgrades for these apps as well as throughout the software, for all versions of UltimateWB website builder.
Please check out what’s new on the What’s New page, and check out our Demos to check it out for yourself!