How to remove Google redirect virus from your computer easily & free!

If your computer caught the Google redirect virus – where you search for something on Google, and then instead of the search engine taking you to the website you click on, it takes you to another page instead, with advertisements and spam – you can easily fix it and remove the virus from your computer – FREE!  You don’t need a computer technician, just download the TDDS remover from Symantec here.  After downloading the file to your computer, double click on it to run.  After install, it will ask you if you want to Proceed – click on that to restart your computer, for the TDDS remover tool to run.  After restart, the tool will ask you if you want to run it.  Confirm that you do, and then it will run and tell you the results of the scan.  If your computer is infected with the Google redirect virus and it found it, the results will display that it was detected and will ask you to confirm that you want to remove it.  Then it should confirm that the repair is complete!  Now check that your computer doesn’t have any Google redirect virus. 

Wondering if the Google redirect virus is Google’s fault?  It’s just the most used search engine.  How did your computer catch the virus?  Must have been from an infected downloaded file, either from an email attachment or from an untrusted website.  Make sure your antivirus software on your computer is up-to-date and has real-time file download scanning & checking for viruses and trojans setting on.

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