Different web hosting companies may offer different control panels to help you manage your files, database, create personal email accounts, make backups, and check on your traffic statistics. While they all may do the same functions, how they do it are not the same. Our preference is cPanel web hosting control panels, and it is what we offer with our web hosting packages too. It is easy to use, with all the features you need. Moreover, you can create a complete backup of your website and database easily with one click, and also restore backups easily with one click. It is a good idea to check what kind of web hosting control panel you will have when you choose your web hosting company. You may not have easy backups or access to full traffic statistics on your website. Some companies, like GoDaddy, may also charge you more for access to some features, such as traffic statistics. Good things to also consider when comparing pricing. When you add up all the small add-ons, it might come out to cost a lot more.
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