Is it better to post videos to your website directly or to embed your YouTube videos?

There are pros and cons to both uploading videos directly to your website and embedding YouTube videos. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Uploading directly to your website:


  • More control: You have complete control over the video player, playback options, and how the video is displayed on your site.
  • No ads: You can avoid any third-party ads showing before or after your video.


  • Bandwidth and storage: Videos take up a lot of space and bandwidth, which can slow down your website loading speed. This can be expensive depending on your website hosting plan.
  • Management: Uploading and managing a large number of videos on your website can be time-consuming.

Embedding YouTube videos:


  • Easy to use: Uploading to YouTube is simple, and the embed code is easy to add to your website.
  • Free hosting: YouTube offers free video hosting with a high level of reliability and scalability.
  • SEO benefits: YouTube videos can rank well in search results, which can drive traffic to your website.
  • Engagement features: YouTube offers features like comments, likes, and playlists that can increase engagement with your videos.


  • Less control: You have less control over the video player and how the video is displayed on your site.
  • Third-party ads: YouTube may show ads before or during your videos.

Both Options Available with UltimateWB

Great news! UltimateWB website builder allows you to do both! You can upload videos directly to your website for complete control, or you can embed YouTube videos for the benefits mentioned above.

Social App Integration with Choice

When integrating social apps like Listings Directory, Classifieds, Scrapbooks, and Videos, with UltimateWB you can offer your users the option to choose between uploading videos directly or embedding from YouTube. This gives them the flexibility to decide what works best for their needs.

Ultimately, the best option for you depends on your specific needs and priorities. Consider the factors mentioned above to make an informed decision.

Are you ready to design & build your own website? Learn more about UltimateWB! We also offer web design packages if you would like your website designed and built for you.

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