Want a website like craigslist or ebay and looking for the best classifieds app/script? Here are the top 5 reasons Ultimate Web Builder should be your choice of software for your classifieds ad website.
1) Ease Of Use. Have you tried out the other software? We have, and they are not so easy to use. Take for example the GeoCore Classifieds Script (formerly known as GeoDesic). You actually have to know web coding to design your website with that. No coding is required to create your own custom design with UltimateWB, though you do have the choice to add/edit your own coding.
2) Flexibility. You have full customization options with UltimateWB. So it is easy to use, and usable for what you want to do. Not only do you have flexibility in terms of web design and function, but also for your web hosting. Host with UltimateWB, or with a compatible web hosting of your choice, like GoDaddy. Just about any web hosting company will satisfy the software server requirements.
3) Lots of built-in features you can configure the way you want. Make money with the software by charging for ads in select categories, or charge for photos, or special options, or even set transaction fees like they do in eBay. Or make it free. There are so many options, and you can easily configure them from your website admin panel. Here is a brief features list:
- Allow other people to sell stuff on your website too, or just post ads if you want
- Like eBay, you can even set a price for the ads, and a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale
- Organize ads into types, categories, and sub categories
- Customize the ad fields for each ad type.
- Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
- Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
- User to user transactions can be carried out via the new Credits System, or via PayPal
- Special options: Featured Ads, Highlight, Bold
- Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
- Manage Classifieds via Admin Panel
- Classified Ad Activation Options – automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
- Members can find classifieds from each category index or the Classifeds Search / Advanced Search Tools.
4) Great price and value! Compare UltimateWB with other classifieds ad software. You pay less in many instances, and you get more too. Besides more features, and a bigger bang for your buck, taking into account the ease of use of the UltimateWB software you can calculate that you will be saving many hundreds, if not thousands, in web design/programming services.
5) It is not just a classified ads software, but a full website builder software. You get more than just a classified ads script with UltimateWB. You get all the tools necessary for building a successful website built-in. This can be very important to having a popular, interactive and visually appealing website. One software for your website means easy integration of various tools and apps, not to mention lower costs. It means easily having a single-login capability for your website, with all the apps working together, seamlessly. Imagine having to upgrade third party tools every time one of them needs an upgrade. Not fun. UltimateWB = fun.
Related: Classified Ads Website Builder Comparison Chart: GeoCore vs ClassiPress vs osClass vs UltimateWB
Compare Classified Ads Website Builders: GeoCore vs ClassiPress vs osClass vs UltimateWB
Are you ready to design & build your own website? Learn more about UltimateWB! We also offer web design packages if you would like your website designed and built for you.
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