UltimateWB – it has a built-in forum app with lots of features, and the styles manager has a responsive app you can activate to make your website mobile friendly. It is very easy to use and very customizable.
You can compare other forum software with UltimateWB in this forum website builder comparison chart. You get a lot more with UltimateWB, like easily adding “most popular tags” and “similiar topics” sections, integrating ads within posts, and social share buttons, right out-of-the-box, no plugins necessary like the other software require.
Check out these related blog posts for a more in-depth discussion on building your own forum website and the best forum website builder:
Why UltimateWB Offers the Best Forum Software for Your Website
What are the Top 10 Best Forum Software?
What strategies are best to start a new online forum and be successful?
What are some ways to create an online community using blogs and forums?
Technical Considerations for Setting Up a Forum Website: Size Matters (But Not That Much)
What are the Top 10 Best Forum Software?
Are you ready to design & build your own website? Learn more about UltimateWB! We also offer web design packages if you would like your website designed and built for you.
Got a techy/website question? Whether it’s about UltimateWB or another website builder, web hosting, or other aspects of websites, just send in your question in the “Ask David!” form. We will email you when the answer is posted on the UltimateWB “Ask David!” section.