UltimateWB 6.9 upgrade released for all versions: Menu & social upgrades

We have just recently released the UltimateWB 6.9 upgrade for all versions: UltimateWB Full, Lite, Essentials+, PromoU, and Promo!

This website builder upgrade include a new feature for UltimateWB Full, Lite, Essentials+: the Menu Plus App.

  • Create additional menus besides the top menu
  • Organize pages into different menus from the Add/Edit Page
  • Copy/Paste the Placeholder Text for the Menu Plus to where you want it, and that’s where it will display
  • Choose styling for Menu Plus: Horizontal Menu or Vertical Menu that is automatically stylized based on your page stylesheet

We have also include menu upgrades for all UltimateWB versions.

And, this UltimateWB 6.9 upgrade also includes a Timeline App upgrade for UltimateWB Full. You can now customize the privacy icons display based on privacy setting for that post – i.e. for public post, private post, members only post, friends only post, custom post, etc. Similar to Facebook posts.

Hope you like it, and we welcome your feedback!

Try it out on the demos: https://www.ultimatewb.com/demolinks

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