Category Archives: Ask David!

What are the benefits of SEO for businesses and websites?

There are many benefits to SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, for businesses and websites. Here are some of the key advantages: Overall, SEO is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes achieve their online marketing goals. Related: … Continue reading

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How to Block Unwanted Visitors? Use .htaccess for IP Blocking on Your Website

Ever felt the need to restrict access to your website from certain visitors? Maybe you’ve been targeted by spammers or bots, or perhaps you want to limit access for security reasons. In such cases, IP blocking with your website’s .htaccess … Continue reading

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Do WordPress plugins sometimes leave stuff on your website after uninstalling the plugin?

Yes, WordPress plugins can sometimes leave leftover data on your website after uninstalling them. It is another drawback to using WordPress plugins, besides security issues. (And it’s not just WordPress, but also other open source platforms like Magento, Drupal, and … Continue reading

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How long does it usually take for a website to generate revenue?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes a website to generate revenue. It depends heavily on several factors: 1) Monetization Strategy: How you plan to make money plays a big role. Selling physical products through an e-commerce store … Continue reading

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Why is my website not responsive even if I put the viewport tag in ?

Thanks for the “Ask David” Question! Here’s a breakdown of why the meta tag alone might not make your website responsive and how to achieve responsiveness…and a reminder that you don’t need to worry about this with UltimateWB and the … Continue reading

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Is Dreamweaver on the Backburner? Exploring UltimateWB as a Powerful Alternative

Ask David question: “With Dreamweaver being phased out, what alternative should I use to build my website?” For many web designers, Adobe Dreamweaver was once the industry standard for building websites. But in recent years, Dreamweaver’s dominance has faded. Let’s … Continue reading

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Is it better to post videos to your website directly or to embed your YouTube videos?

There are pros and cons to both uploading videos directly to your website and embedding YouTube videos. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide: Uploading directly to your website: Pros: Cons: Embedding YouTube videos: Pros: Cons: Both Options Available with … Continue reading

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What is the difference between and Does own WordPress?

The distinction between and can be somewhat confusing, but they serve different purposes and are run by different entities. Ownership and Domain Name Confusion Is this a good example of a company – WordPress – that … Continue reading

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What are the drawbacks of Drupal as a content management system (CMS)?

Steeper Learning Curve: Drupal is known for being less user-friendly than some CMS options. Especially for non-technical users, the interface and functionalities can be challenging to navigate and manage content. This is in contrast to website builders like UltimateWB, which … Continue reading

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What is SEO and its importance in web development?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a set of practices that aim to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant searches. Imagine it like putting up a giant neon sign for your website, but … Continue reading

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