Category Archives: Ask David!

Now that I have my website, what’s next? How do I make it work for me?

That’s exciting! Having your website up and running is a great first step. Now comes the stage of making it work for you, which can involve attracting visitors, converting them to customers (if applicable), and achieving your overall website goals. … Continue reading

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What are the potential drawbacks of using Instagram as a marketing tool for a business?

While Instagram is a powerful marketing tool, it does have some drawbacks to consider for your business: Limited focus on sales: While Instagram is great for brand awareness and engagement, it’s not the most direct platform for driving sales. The … Continue reading

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What are the essential elements of an e-commerce website? What is the basic structure for e-commerce websites?

An effective eCommerce website needs to be both user-friendly and informative to convert visitors into satisfied customers. Here’s a breakdown of the essential elements and a basic structure to guide you: Essential Elements: Basic Structure: By focusing on these essential … Continue reading

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Do Venture Capitalists always look for the Exit Strategy?

It’s not a hard yes anymore… The Great Escape: Why Venture Capitalists Crave Exit Strategies (And Why They Might Not Always Be Necessary) The world of venture capital (VC) can be a thrilling dance between calculated risks and explosive rewards. … Continue reading

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How can I get funding for my startup?

There’s this show on ABC, called Shark Tank…but there are other options too… Funding Your Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide to Startup Capital Launching a startup is an exhilarating rollercoaster ride. You have a brilliant idea, a passionate team, and the … Continue reading

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Should you submit your sitemap to other search engines besides Google?

In the world of SEO, sitemaps play a crucial role in helping search engines discover and index your website’s content. But when it comes to submitting your sitemap, is Google the only search engine that matters? The answer is both … Continue reading

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Get Google to Notice Your New Content: Sitemap Strategies and Search Console Power

Have you published fantastic new content on your website but haven’t seen it appear in search results yet? Google crawls websites to discover and index new pages, but it doesn’t always happen instantly. This article explores how to leverage your … Continue reading

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What is a good Domain Authority (DA) score? You covered it for spam, but what about for this?

There isn’t a single, definitive answer to what a “good” Domain Authority (DA) score is. It depends on a few factors: However, here’s a general guideline to get you started: Here are some additional things to keep in mind: Remember: … Continue reading

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Demystifying Domain Authority: Your Website’s Credibility Score

“What is Domain Authority in SEO?” In the competitive world of search engines, websites vie for that coveted top spot on the results page. But what makes one website rank higher than another? One key factor is domain authority. Domain … Continue reading

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