Search Results for: google ads

What is ASO, vs SEO? Are the same techniques used?

ASO and SEO are similar concepts, but they target different platforms: Key Differences: Similarities: In summary: Are you ready to design & build your own website? Learn more about UltimateWB! We also offer web design packages if you would like your website designed … Continue reading

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What benefits do breadcrumbs have for the SEO of a website or blog site?

Breadcrumbs offer a two-fold benefit for SEO: they improve user experience (UX) which indirectly helps SEO, and they also send signals directly to search engines like Google about your website structure. Improved User Experience: SEO Benefits: In short, breadcrumbs are … Continue reading

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What techniques do you use to improve website crawlability and indexability?

Good question! A well-designed website is only half the battle. For your website to truly thrive online, it needs to be seen by search engines and potential visitors. This is where crawlability and indexability come into play… Conquer the Crawl: … Continue reading

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How many syllables and how many words should a domain name contain to make sure it is easy to remember and user friendly?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, it is generally advised to aim for short domain name vs longer domain names. Here are some guidelines for choosing a memorable and user-friendly domain name based on syllables and words: Syllables: Words: Other factors … Continue reading

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Do domain URL variants or structures matter in SEO?

Yes, domain URL variants and structures do impact SEO – search engine optimization – in several ways. Here’s a breakdown of key factors to consider: 1. URL Structure and Readability: The UltimateWB website builder takes care of choosing the best … Continue reading

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What should a great landing page have?

A great landing page is like a master salesperson in digital form: it captures attention, builds trust, and compels visitors to take a desired action. To achieve this, it needs to tick several key boxes: 1. Clear and Compelling Headline: … Continue reading

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Why UltimateWB Rocks for All Kinds of Websites

Alright, let’s chat about website builders, and hear me out because UltimateWB is not your average Joe in this game. You know how people say, “Jack of all trades, master of none”? Well, UltimateWB is the cool rebel breaking that … Continue reading

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Is 160 characters recommended for webpage meta descriptions?

Yes, 160 characters is the widely recommended length for a meta description for the best possible SEO results and top search engine rankings. Google can technically handle longer snippets, but it often truncates descriptions exceeding 160 characters in search results. … Continue reading

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Enhancing SEO: Post Meta Descriptions in Your UltimateWB integrated WordPress Blog – No Plugins Necessary!

As you may know, WordPress does not include meta descriptions by default – even though it is very much valued in SEO rankings by top search engines like Google. We decided to change that. As part of our ongoing commitment … Continue reading

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