Search Results for: google ads

New Ultimate Web Builder Support Forums!

We have a brand new support forum!  Find it under the Resources tab.  We had to remove our previous message boards using the phpbb forum script due to spam issues.  Now we are using the UltimateWB Full 3.5 custom built-in … Continue reading

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How to switch your web hosting/website builder AND Keep Your SEO/Ranking/Traffic

All the hard work into creating your website, building links to your webpages and celebrating your first page ranking on Google…you don’t want to lose all that after switching your web hosting and/or website builder.  So how to keep your … Continue reading

Posted in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Hosting, Website Builder Software Comparison | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Microsoft releases Internet Explorer security patch, for Windows XP too

Microsoft has just released a security patch to fix the major security bug that was reported for Internet Explorer (IE) this previous weekend.  And they included Windows XP too, since the security flaw was found so close to its end … Continue reading

Posted in Technology in the News, Website Security | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Shopify Review – Expensive, Limited Functions, Software Issues, & Transaction Fees Deceptive Marketing

We reviewed Shopify a couple years ago, comparing its transaction fees and limitations with Yahoo Store Builder, both sharing similarities in these respects.  Recently in the Fall 2013, Shopify updated their pricing plans to advertise their own new payment gateway … Continue reading

Posted in E-commerce, Website Builder Software Comparison | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Mixing and Matching Website Builder, Web Hosting, & Domain Name

It’s almost like we are coordinating an outfit.  But unlike clothes, you can’t always make it all work together. Domain Name: This is your website address, i.e., how people will access your website.  Generally, you can get your domain name … Continue reading

Posted in Domain Names, Web Hosting, Website Builder Software Comparison | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Is HostGator’s Affiliate Terms of Service Fair? Sell x2 in 180 days or go back to $0…

If you’re only a little good at selling HostGator’s web hosting, you may be teeter-tottering between $50 and $0 – never receiving any commission at all.  HostGator changed their affiliates payout policy on May 2, 2013 and still sticking with … Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate Programs, Web Hosting | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

GoDaddy Web Hosting “Unlimited” Plans, Disk Space & Traffic Limits – Not really “Unlimited” anything

GoDaddy now advertises 100GB disk space and “Unlimited” bandwidth in its lowest web hosting plan called Economy, and both “Unlimited” disk space and “Unlimited” bandwidth in its higher web hosting plans, Deluxe and Ultimate, respectively.  You might be thinking you … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, Web Hosting | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

How To Setup Email with Your Domain – UltimateWB vs Weebly et al.

You have your own website, your own domain name, now you want your own custom email address to match, i.e.  Sounds simple enough right?  But the process to get what you want will differ depending on the web hosting … Continue reading

Posted in Emails, Web Hosting, Website Builder Software Comparison | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

GoDaddy website builder gets HORRIBLE reviews, still buggy customers say

Really, really horrible reviews.  We recently came across the SiteBuilderReport page for the GoDaddy website builder and their customers say it is still full of bugs and issues, and the tech support is the opposite of help. …Yikes!. Here is … Continue reading

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