Search Results for: google ads

Why keeping your website content separate from your website design is better!

There are 3 main reasons why it is best to keep your website content separate from your website design/formatting, using a stylesheet (css).  You don’t need to know coding to do this, so don’t worry about that – you can … Continue reading

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Lots of website builders to choose from, how to choose the right one for you?

Whether you Google “best website builder” or “e-commerce website builder” or “social networking website builder” or “business website builder” or “portfolio website builder” or “easy website builder” – you get the point – there are pages and pages of different … Continue reading

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What cross-browser/cross-platform compatibility means, and why it is important for your website!

You work on your website SEO (search engine optimization), build organic traffic to your website through blog posting, articles, and webpage content, work on your social media, and perhaps purchase some kind of advertising or pass out your business cards … Continue reading

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What is the difference between hosted website builders and website builder software?

You can actually get the convenience of hosted website builders with the flexibility of website builder software with UltimateWB, combining the advantages of those 2 traditional solutions into the BEST solution.  Let’s start with an explanation of Hosted Web Solutions vs Downloadable … Continue reading

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Where to get photos/images for your website?

You want your website to look pretty and attractive, and convey your company’s brand, be the pretty book with the pretty content.  Hmm… good advice for dating too, huh?!  But I digress…  So, where to get these photos and images … Continue reading

Posted in Photos Management, Website Design | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

How to choose a domain name for your website

To get found on Google and other top search engines, you need your very own domain name.  So how to choose one?  Here are some pointers: 1) Choose a domain name that has your business name in it, or an abbreviation … Continue reading

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Best Website Builder – Top 10 Reasons why it is Ultimate Web Builder software!

Are you searching “what is the best website builder” on Google, trying to find the best software to buy?  Here are the top 10 reasons why the answer is Ultimate Web Builder software. 1) Best CMS – content management system.  Not … Continue reading

Posted in E-commerce, General, Mailing List Application, Photos Management, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Website Builder Software Comparison, Website Design | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Top 10 complex things you can do with Ultimate Web Builder software without knowing how to code

You can do A LOT with Ultimate Web Builder software – and you don’t need to know how to code.  Here’s a top 10 list of complex web design & web development features and functionalities you would think you would need to … Continue reading

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