Search Results for: fast loading times

Lost in the Digital Jungle? 20 Tips to Attract Visitors to Your Website

Imagine your website as a hidden oasis in the vast digital jungle. You’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting it, but without visitors, it’s a beautiful secret no one knows about. Fear not, fellow explorer! Here are 20 tips … Continue reading

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Get Google to Notice Your New Content: Sitemap Strategies and Search Console Power

Have you published fantastic new content on your website but haven’t seen it appear in search results yet? Google crawls websites to discover and index new pages, but it doesn’t always happen instantly. This article explores how to leverage your … Continue reading

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The SEO Hustle: When Google Changes the Rules (Again)

The world of SEO can feel like a rollercoaster ride. You meticulously craft a strategy, watch your traffic climb, then – bam – Google throws you a curveball with an algorithm update. Sound familiar? The recent Helpful Content Update (HCU) … Continue reading

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What are the advantages / disadvantages of replacing all the .mp4 videos on the website with .webm?

There are both advantages and disadvantages to consider when switching all your website’s videos from .mp4 to .webm format: Advantages: Disadvantages: Mitigating the Drawbacks: Providing Fallbacks with JavaScript Here’s how you can address the browser compatibility issue by offering MP4 … Continue reading

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What are some best practices for designing a homepage that converts visitors into customers?

A homepage that converts visitors into customers should be designed with a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs. Here are some key best practices to follow: Focus on Value Proposition: Prioritize User Experience: Guide Visitors Towards Action: … Continue reading

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What are some common mistakes that restaurants make with their websites?

Restaurants can make a number of mistakes with their websites that can drive away customers. Here are some of the most common ones: By avoiding these mistakes, you can create a restaurant website that will attract new customers and keep … Continue reading

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What techniques do you use to improve website crawlability and indexability?

Good question! A well-designed website is only half the battle. For your website to truly thrive online, it needs to be seen by search engines and potential visitors. This is where crawlability and indexability come into play… Conquer the Crawl: … Continue reading

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How can businesses optimize their website for Google’s BERT?

What is BERT? Let’s start with what Google’s BERT is. It has nothing to do with Sesame Street’s Bert and Ernie, but it is an acronym, standing for: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. In clearer terms, BERT is a sophisticated … Continue reading

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Why SEO is better than ads?

While diving into the debate of SEO (search engine optimization) versus ads (paid advertising), the allure of SEO becomes evident. The appeal lies not only in its potential cost-effectiveness—especially if you’re adept at handling it yourself—but also in its enduring … Continue reading

Posted in Advertising, Ask David!, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Little Tweaks, Big Impact: Navigating Your Website’s Make-or-Break Moments

Hey web buddies! Today, let’s chat about websites and those low-key changes that can totally rock (or wreck) your website’s vibe. 1. The Power of First Impressions: Imagine someone stumbling upon your website. What’s the first thing they notice? Details … Continue reading

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