Search Results for: responsive app

What techniques do you use to improve website crawlability and indexability?

Good question! A well-designed website is only half the battle. For your website to truly thrive online, it needs to be seen by search engines and potential visitors. This is where crawlability and indexability come into play… Conquer the Crawl: … Continue reading

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Do domain URL variants or structures matter in SEO?

Yes, domain URL variants and structures do impact SEO – search engine optimization – in several ways. Here’s a breakdown of key factors to consider: 1. URL Structure and Readability: The UltimateWB website builder takes care of choosing the best … Continue reading

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Little Tweaks, Big Impact: Navigating Your Website’s Make-or-Break Moments

Hey web buddies! Today, let’s chat about websites and those low-key changes that can totally rock (or wreck) your website’s vibe. 1. The Power of First Impressions: Imagine someone stumbling upon your website. What’s the first thing they notice? Details … Continue reading

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What should a great landing page have?

A great landing page is like a master salesperson in digital form: it captures attention, builds trust, and compels visitors to take a desired action. To achieve this, it needs to tick several key boxes: 1. Clear and Compelling Headline: … Continue reading

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Why UltimateWB Rocks for All Kinds of Websites

Alright, let’s chat about website builders, and hear me out because UltimateWB is not your average Joe in this game. You know how people say, “Jack of all trades, master of none”? Well, UltimateWB is the cool rebel breaking that … Continue reading

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What is an advanced website?

You don’t need to be a web developer or programmer to create and design your own advanced website with the UltimateWB website builder. Defining an “advanced website” can be subjective, as it depends on the context and purpose of the … Continue reading

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What advantages does a mobile-friendly site have over a regular website that is not optimized for smartphones?

UltimateWB makes it easy to have a mobile-friendly, responsive website, so that it automatically reformats based on a user’s device size for the best experience, with the built-in Responsive app. A mobile-friendly site has a plethora of advantages over a … Continue reading

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What is the best content structure for a web designer’s portfolio website?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best content structure for a web designer’s portfolio website will vary depending on your individual goals, experience, and target audience. However, there are some general best practices that you can follow … Continue reading

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What should I consider when designing a photography portfolio website?

Designing a photography portfolio website is a chance to showcase your unique talent and vision to the world. To create a site that truly shines, consider these key factors: 1. Define your target audience: 2. Highlight your best work: 3. … Continue reading

Posted in Ask David!, Photos Management, Website Design | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What are the best website practices we must know?

Ah, the ever-evolving world of website best practices! It’s a constant dance between the latest technologies and user expectations. Here’s a closer look at some key practices to keep your website thriving: User-centricity reigns supreme: Content ignites engagement and sparks … Continue reading

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