Any site can be copied. We do use the latest techniques to provide a secure software and to protect your website from hacking. Please also check out this forum post on the topic: .
You can also choose to purchase SSL for your web hosting here: . You can read more about SSL on our blog topics here: . Yes, with UltimateWB Full software you can configure your website to accept credit cards. You can choose to accept credit cards directly on your website, or use PayPal as the payment gateway. If you are accepting credit cards directly on your website, you would need to add SSL to your website to protect and secure the private data.
If you purchase a web hosting package, we do have server tech in charge of the server. You can check out the web hosting packages here: . All UltimateWB web hosting packages come with free professional installation of the softare onto your server (still requires separate purchase of software though).
You can also choose to host your website with another company that meets the server requirements, as listed here: . You can then follow the UltimateWB software install instructions/video listed at or choose to purchase a software install service at .
Yes, with UltimateWB software you can also embed ads to your website. The easiest method to do this would be to use the Ad(d)s Manager. Here is the User Manual section on that: .
Here is the User Manual section on the Classifieds app that is built-in UltimateWB Full software: .
We provide tech support via email and on the forums, so please feel free to ask any other questions you have!