We have just added a new Placeholder Text in UltimateWB Full 7.52 for easily adding Login & Register buttons that direct users to the login and registration pages, rather than the login button expanding to the login boxes. By default, the login and register buttons are rounded buttons; the styling for the Login button is the menu tabs color/background color, with change on mouseover, and for the Register button the initial styling/mouseover styling are switched.
You can customize the styling by adding your own CSS coding to the Extras section on your Styles Manager, for the class toploginbutton and topsignupbutton. Here is an example:
Code: Please login/register for access
In this example, we are customizing the rounded edges to 10px, and have the login button with a blue background/white text and a white background/blue text on mouseover. The sign up button has a green background/blue text, and white background/blue text on mouseover.
You can get the 6-letter/digit code for the colors on the Styles Manager color fields. Any questions, just ask!