The setting for the Profile Picture Size is on the Configure Site > Social Networking configurations page. Do Ctrl-f to find the phrase "Profie Picture / Avatar Sizing" and jump to this section, or click on the "Edit Profile" link at the top, as it is under this section.
To increase the profile picture / avatar sizing, you would want to increase the values on the first line here, for "Resize Dimensions". Here it is 100x100.
"Minimum Upload Dimensions" refers to the minimum dimensions photos uploaded by members for profile pictures/avatars must have.
And "Maximum File Size" is the maximum file size in kb that the uploaded profile picture/avatar can have.
**Now, on the Listings Directory pages, as is the case with the other UltimateWB apps, the profile picture/avatar will get resized smaller than your specified resize size, and to its maximum available space if your specified resize space is too big for its available space. This is so that your websites gets displayed nicely without overlapping.
You can increase this available space by altering the css coding. For the Listing Directory app, you can increase the width of the author section / decrease the width of the listing main info section, or you can increase both of these sections to 100%, and set each as a new line. To do this, you can add the following code to the Extras section in your Styles Admin Manager:
Code: Please login/register for access
We have made these changes on your website for you already, per your request.