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How to install Ultimate Web Builder software on your server

Added January 25, 2021
Updated January 25, 2021
Posted By 
UltimateWB Team Profile Picture
2 Fans
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263 Points

Step 1) Upload Files.
After logging into your web hosting control panel, click on the "File Manager" icon, and then the "public_html" or "www" folder to open it - they both go tto the same place! Click on the top "Upload" link. A new browser window opens.Click on the "Select File" button. Find and select your downloaded software zip and license file from your computer. After the download is complete, go back to your file manager window, and click on the top "Reload" link to show your new uploaded files. There they are!

We want to make sure all your files will show, so click on the top right "Settings" link. Check mark the box for "Show hidden files". And click on the "Save" button. Next, click on the software zip file to highlight, and click on "Extract", to extract the zip files to your server.

Step 2) Rename Files.
Click on the "blog_sample" folder to highlight. Click on the top "Rename" link. Remove the "_sample" part from the folder name. And click on the "Rename File" button to save your changes.

3 more renames to go, same process.

Click to highlight the folder "extra-app_sample". Click on the top "Rename" link.Remove the "_sample" part from the folder name. And click on the "Rename File" button.

Click to highlight the file ".htaccess_sample.text". Click on the top "Rename" link. Remove the "_sample.txt" part from the file name. And click on the "Rename File" button.

Click to highlight the file "connect_sample.php". Click on the top "Rename" link. Remove the "_sample" part from the file name. And click on the "Rename File" button.

Step 3) Create Database
On your web hosting control panel, click on the "mysql databases" icon. On this page, enter in a name for your database, and click on the "Create Database" button. You will need to remember the info you enter on this page, to edit your connect.php file in a bit.

Now scroll down to "Add New User". Enter a Username. Click on the "Password Generator" button to create a password. Make sure to copy this to your clipboard, to enter it on your "connect.php" file. Now click on the "Create User" button.

Ok, now scroll down to "Add User To Database". Select your User, and your Database. And click on the "Add" button. Check mark the box for "All Privileges". And click on the "Make Changes" button. Your Database is all set!

Step 4) Update 2 Files
Go back to your "File Manager", and click to highlight the "connect.php" file.Click on the top "Edit" button. Follow the instructions inside to paste your Database password, and enter your Database name, user, and your email.Click on the top right "Save Changes" button for the file, when you are done entering the info.

Next, click to highlight the ".htaccess" file, and click on the top "Edit" button". Follow the instructions inside the file, to customize it to your website. Then, click on the top right "Save Changes" button. Done editing!

Step 5) Run the Installer.
From your internet browser window, go to your [website URL]/install.php to run the installer.

If you have uploaded to a subfolder instead in Step 1, then you should go to your [website URL]/subfolder/install.php, where "subfolder" is the subfolder name you have uploaded to, under your "httpocs" or "www" folder on your server.

It should not take more than 30 seconds to run and complete the process.

At completion, you will receive the following messages:
Ultimate Web Builder Software Installation is complete!

Update WordPress Blog Database to Latest Version: Update Blog Database

Remove this file, upgrade.php, and testserver.php 

The "Update Blog Database" link opens in new browser windows, and runs the database upgrade there with one click.


Go to your [website URL]. Here is your starting website! Don't worry, you can use the Templates App for help setting up!

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