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Web Definitions

Website Building Glossary of Terms & Definitions

It helps to know what you're reading about as you set out to design, create & build, and manage your own website.  So here's some terms and definitions you might encounter as you are researching what kind of website you want to build and learning how you want to build it. We've got a glossary of terms related to a website builder, web design, web hosting, and domain names.
Above the Fold: The portion of a web page that is visible to users without scrolling. It's the area that appears first when a page loads and is important for capturing user attention.
Ensuring that websites are usable by people with disabilities. This includes features like screen reader compatibility and keyboard navigation.
Admin Panel: This the backend of your website, where you can login with your username and password to manage your website.  With UltimateWB website builder software you can not only manage the content of your website, but also the design, members, subscribers, ads, payments, and items if you're selling any.
Alt Text:
Alternative text that describes the content of an image for accessibility purposes. It's displayed when an image cannot be loaded or by screen readers for visually impaired users. You can set the Alt Text of photos you embed on the Add/Edit Pages of your UltimateWB website admin panel, as well as on the Photo pages for your Slideshows and Photo Galleries.
API (Application Programming Interface):
A set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In web development, APIs are often used for integrating third-party services or data.
Back-End or Backend: The server-side of a website where data processing and storage occur. Back-end development involves server programming and database management. UltimateWB website builder software takes care of the backend for you.
Bandwidth: The amount of data that can be transmitted over an internet connection. In web hosting, bandwidth determines how much traffic a website can handle.
Blog: A regularly updated online journal or informational website. Blogs often feature articles in reverse chronological order. Ultimate Web Builder software comes with an integrated blog app (WordPress).  Check out our Ultimate Web Builder blog as an example.
Broken Link: A hyperlink that no longer works because the target page has been removed or relocated. Broken links can negatively impact user experience and SEO.
Browser: Software used to access and view websites. Popular web browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.
Cache: Temporary storage of web data to improve loading speed. Caching reduces the need to retrieve data from the server, making websites faster.
A security feature that verifies human users from automated bots. Captchas often require users to solve puzzles or enter text to prove they are not bots. All UltimateWB website builder software versions offer two Captcha options: 1) requesting the visitor to input in a certain series of numbers and letters that are depicted in art form, and 2) Answer a simple question, such as "What color are green grapes?". You can customize the question and answer pairs in your admin panel.
CMS (Content Management System):
A software application for creating, editing, and managing digital content. This is a system of organizing content on your website.  All CMS are not the same.  A blog is a type of CMS.  You get the greatest amount of flexibility with the CMS offered in the dynamic UltimateWB website builder software.  Organize all types of content - including photos, links, items, ads, members, subscribers, stylesheets, and more!
Code Injection: (type of hacking) If software coding is not secure and does not validate data that is received, hackers may exploit this by having the code process invalid data.  The hacker introduces (or "inject") code into the insecure computer program and change how the program was intended to work.
Cookies: Small pieces of data stored on a user's device to remember user preferences. Cookies are commonly used for user authentication and tracking. UltimateWB website builder software uses cookies for member login and remember me functionalities.
Cross-Browser & Cross Platform Compatibility: 
If your website is cross-browser and cross platform compatible, it means that it works on the major internet search engines, computers, and perhaps even tablets and smart phones too.  With Ultimate Web Builder software you can build a fully cross-browser/platform compatible website - that means it will display correctly on tablets and smart phones too!
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to control the presentation and layout of web pages. CSS defines how elements are styled and displayed on a website. It is coding used to stylize your website.  UltimateWB website builder software does the CSS coding for you in your Admin Panel Styles Manager.  If you know css coding, you can optionally add your own css coding there too, besides in the Admin Panel Ad(d)s section.
Dashboard: The control panel for managing and configuring a website. Website owners and administrators use dashboards to make updates and view site analytics. On your UltimateWB website admin panel, you are redirected to your dashboard after logging in.
Database: A structured collection of data. Databases are used to store and manage information on websites, such as user data or product catalogs. UltimateWB website builder software uses a database to save and load your dynamically driven website.
DNS (Domain Name System): A system that translates domain names into IP addresses. DNS ensures that when a user enters a domain name, they are directed to the correct web server.
Domain Name: The web address that users type into their browsers to access a website, i.e. URL. Domain names are essential for identifying websites on the internet.
Drag and Drop:
A method of content creation or organization that involves dragging elements with a mouse. It simplifies the process of adding or arranging elements on a web page. However, it comes with less customization options and flexibility.
Drop-Down Menu - Top Level Tabs / Sub Level Tabs: A drop-down menu is a menu where you mouse over the top level tabs (first row), and you get sub level tabs appearing below it - i.e. the drop-down menu.
E-commerce - a.k.a Shopping Cart: Online buying and selling of products and services. E-commerce websites enable businesses to sell products online and process payments, meaning your website has some kind of integrated shopping cart.  With UltimateWB website builder software you get the best e-commerce app available to you to easily integrate and customize your website shopping cart experience.  Plus, you can create coupon codes for store sales & promotions, manage inventory, manage payments, and even set automatic downloads after purchase & payment confirmation (useful for example if you are selling online photos, videos, or music downloads).
Encryption: The process of converting data into a code to protect it from unauthorized access. SSL/TLS encryption secures data transmitted between a web server and a browser. All UltimateWB web hosting plans come with free SSL.
Favicon: A small icon displayed in the browser tab next to the page title. Favicons help users identify websites when multiple tabs are open. You can add your website Favicon through your website admin panel on all UltimateWB versions.
Firewall: A network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls protect web servers from unauthorized access and threats.
Forms: Web elements used for data input, such as contact forms or search boxes. Forms collect user information and can be used for various purposes on websites. All UltimateWB versions come with a built-in Contact form app that you can customize and use.
Front-End or Frontend:
The client-side of a website where users interact with the site. Front-end development involves designing and coding the visible elements of a web page.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol): A method for transferring files between a computer and a server. FTP is commonly used for uploading website files to a hosting server. You can also upload files through your File Manager on your cPanel web hosting control panel, when hosting with UltimateWB.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format): A file format for animated images and graphics. GIFs are often used for simple animations on websites.
Google Analytics:
A web analytics service by Google to track and report website traffic. Google Analytics provides insights into user behavior, traffic sources, and more.
GUI (Graphical User Interface): A visual interface that allows users to interact with software. GUIs make web applications and content user-friendly and visually appealing.
Guest Blogging: Publishing content on someone else's blog as a guest contributor. Guest blogging is a strategy to reach new audiences and build backlinks.
Header Tags: HTML tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) used to structure content and indicate headings and subheadings on a web page.
A service that provides server space for storing and serving website files. Web hosting makes websites accessible on the internet. When using UltimateWB website builder software, you can choose an UltimateWB web hosting plan, or another server from another web hosting company.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The standard markup language for creating web pages. HTML defines the structure and content of web documents.
HTML5: The latest version of HTML, introducing new features like video and audio support, canvas for graphics, and improved semantics. This is what UltimateWB website builder software uses.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): The protocol used for transferring data over the internet. It governs how web servers and browsers communicate.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure): A secure version of HTTP that encrypts data between the web server and the browser. HTTPS is essential for data security and SEO. All UltimateWB web hosting plans come with free SSL, so that your website is accessible via "Https" vs "Http"
Hyperlink: A clickable text or image that redirects users to another web page or resource. Hyperlinks are fundamental for website navigation. When using UltimateWB website builder, the software automatically create the hyperlinks on your navigation menu, based on the URLs you choose on the Add/Edit Page. You can add hyperlinks throughout your pages, via the Page Editor Box on the Add/Edit Pages of your website admin panel.
Image Compression: The reduction in file size of images to optimize web page loading speed while maintaining acceptable image quality.
Indexing: The process by which search engines like Google scan and store web pages in their databases, making them available for search results.
Interactive Elements: Web page components that allow user interaction, such as forms, buttons, and multimedia elements like sliders and carousels.
Intranet: A private network within an organization that uses web technologies for sharing information and resources among employees.
ISP (Internet Service Provider): A company that provides internet access to users. ISPs connect users to the internet via various technologies, such as broadband or dial-up.
Java: An object-oriented programming language used for web application development, particularly in enterprise-level applications.
JavaScript: A versatile programming language often used for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites. UltimateWB website builder uses javascript instead of Flash (which is discontinued) for animated photo galleries and slideshows, which is cross-browser and cross-platform compatible - i.e. no problem on your smartphones.
jQuery: A fast and concise JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, and animation.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate.
Keyword Density: The percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears in a web page's content compared to the total number of words on the page.
Keyword Research: The process of identifying and selecting specific keywords or phrases that are relevant to a website's content and can improve its search engine ranking.
Knowledge Base: A collection of articles, guides, and documentation that provides information and support to users of a website or product. Check out the UlitmateWB Knowledge Base.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator): Specific metrics used to measure the success and performance of a website or online marketing campaigns.
Landing Page: A web page specifically designed to capture visitor information, typically through a form, with the goal of converting them into leads or customers.
Link Building: The process of acquiring high-quality inbound links from other websites to improve a site's search engine ranking and authority.
Live Chat: A real-time messaging feature that allows website visitors to interact with customer support or sales representatives.
Load Time: The time it takes for a web page to fully load in a user's browser. Faster load times enhance user experience and SEO. Websites built on UltimateWB website builder for the backend can enjoy very fast load times.
Local SEO: Optimization techniques aimed at improving a website's visibility in local search results, often important for businesses targeting local customers.
Mailing List - Subscribers, Mail Groups, HTML Mailers: A collection of email addresses used for sending newsletters, updates, promotions, and other communications to subscribers. Mailing List forms are used for gathering email addresses, names, and other optional info from website visitors interested in being emailed with news, special promotions, etc - i.e. mailers.  HTML Mailers categorize mailers, or emails, that contain special styling, integrated images ... in another words it's not just plain text emails.  You can create a mailing list, mail groups, and mailers without any experience with Ultimate Web Builder software.  Users are called subscribers when they add their email, ie. "subscribe".  If they remove their email from the mailing list, it is called "unsubscribing". 
Markup Language: A set of codes and symbols used to format and structure text and media content in documents. HTML is a common markup language.
Meta Tags:
HTML tags that provide information about a web page's content to search engines and browsers. Meta tags include meta titles and meta descriptions. You can customize these on via your UltimateWB website admin panel - on the Basic Configurations page for sitewide, and on each Add/Edit Page for each page.
Mobile Optimization: The process of designing and configuring a website to ensure it functions well and provides an optimal user experience on mobile devices. Making your website responsive is a good step to take - make sure to activate the UltimateWB built-in Responsive app.
Multimedia: Various forms of media content on a website, including images, videos, audio, animations, and interactive elements.
MySQL: An open-source relational database management system used for storing and retrieving data on websites and web applications.
Navigation Bar: A visual element on a website that contains links to various sections or pages, aiding users in site navigation.
Navigation Menu:
A user interface element that provides links to different sections or pages of a website, allowing users to navigate easily. You can make multi-level drop down menus with UltimateWB website builder.
Newsletter: A periodic email sent to subscribers containing updates, news, promotions, or valuable content related to a website or business. You can customize the UltimateWB built-in mailing list app and create mailers via your website admin panel.
Niche: A specific, specialized segment of a market or industry that a website or business focuses on serving.
Nofollow: An HTML attribute used to instruct search engines not to follow a particular link on a web page, preventing the linked page from receiving SEO benefits.
Off-Page SEO: 
On-Page SEO:
Search engine optimization techniques applied directly to a web page to improve its search engine ranking. These include optimizing content, meta tags, and images. All UltimateWB website builder versions come with a built-in SEO tool.
Online Store: A website or section of a website where products or services are listed, described, and sold to customers. You can design and build your own online store with with UltimateWB built-in e-commerce app.
Open Source: Software that is freely available for use, modification, and distribution by anyone. While some website building platforms and CMSs are open source, such as WordPress or Magento, there are fees for the third party plugins to extend the software and its features.
Opt-In: The process by which users willingly subscribe to receive emails, newsletters, or other communications from a website or business. You can add an opt-in mailnig list form using the UltimateWB built-in mailing list app.
Organic Traffic: Website visitors who arrive at a site through non-paid search engine results, as opposed to paid advertising.
Outbound Link: A hyperlink on a web page that directs visitors to another website or external resource.
Page Rank: A numerical ranking assigned by search engines like Google to web pages, indicating their relevance and authority in search results.
Pagination: The division of content into separate pages to make long content more manageable and improve user experience.
Password Protection: Security measures that require users to enter a password to access certain areas or content on a website.
Plugin: An add-on or extension that enhances the functionality of a website, typically used with content management systems (CMSs) like WordPress.
Privacy Policy: A statement that explains how a website collects, uses, and protects user data, helping maintain transparency and compliance with privacy regulations.
QR Code (Quick Response Code): A two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned with a smartphone to quickly access information, such as a website URL.
A search request entered by a user into a search engine. Search engines return results based on the keywords in the query.
Quality Content: High-quality, informative, and engaging content that provides value to website visitors. Quality content is crucial for user satisfaction and SEO.
Quick Links: Links or shortcuts to frequently visited or important sections or pages on a website, simplifying navigation.
Ranking: The position of a web page in search engine results for a specific keyword or query, with higher rankings generally receiving more traffic.
Redirect: A method used to automatically forward website visitors from one URL to another, often used when a page has moved or been renamed.
Responsive Web Design (RWD): 
A web design approach that ensures a website's layout and content adapt and display correctly on various devices and screen sizes. Web design technique used to create one website that automatically reformats for the best user viewing experience on a variety of devices and screen widths, i.e. desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. UltimateWB comes with a built-in Responsive App!  Check out your website on the Responsive Check Tool here.
Robots.txt: A file used to instruct search engine crawlers on which parts of a website to index and which to exclude from indexing.
RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication): A format used to distribute and access frequently updated content from websites, often used for news, blogs, and podcasts.
Scalability: The ability of a website, server, or infrastructure to handle increased traffic or load without a significant drop in performance. The UltimateWB website builder is very scalable.
Schema Markup: A structured data format that provides search engines with additional context about a web page's content, improving rich snippet display in search results.
Search Console: A tool provided by search engines (e.g., Google Search Console) that allows website owners to monitor and manage their site's performance in search results.
Search Engine: 
Search engine is what Google is and Yahoo is - they serve as the engine to provide you with the content you are searching for.
Search Engine Friendly URLs, a.k.a Clean or Pretty URLs, & Content: 
If your website is search engine friendly it means that search engines can easily read and index your website.  Search Engine Friendly URLs, a.k.a clean or prett urls, contain words rich with keywords, rather than a question mark followed by a row of numbers or letters to index your webpage, such as index.php?id=123.  With Ultimate Web Builder software you get both search engine friendly/clean/pretty URLs and content - a search engine (and user!) friendly website.  You choose the name of your webpage URL (the link to your webpage).  Read more about Clean & Pretty URLs on our blog post here: What are pretty or clean URLs?  They are good and UltimateWB has them!
Search Engine Ranking / Target Keywords: 
The higher your website is listed on the search engine for the searched keywords, the better your search engine ranking.  #1 for your target keyword - the keywords you would like your website to come up for in search engines - is top ranking.  Girst page of Google / Yahoo is a good goal.  We have gotten excellent results and feedback from websites using the Ultimate WebBuilder SEO tool and our SEO tips.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
The practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract organic (non-paid) traffic, in order to have top Search Engine Ranking. UltimateWB website builder comes with an easy built-in SEO tool to get that top ranking on Google, Yahoo, and other top search engines.
Server: A computer or hardware system that hosts and delivers website files and data to users over the internet.
Server-Side Scripting: The execution of scripts on the web server to generate dynamic web pages, often used for processing forms and database operations.
Sitemap: A file or page that lists all the pages on a website, helping search engines crawl and index the site's content more efficiently.
Social Login: An easy & fast way to allow your members to register and login to your website, via a 3rd Party Social Networking website.  UltimateWB Full software has a built-in Social Login app that allows you to easily allow members sign ups and login via Google and Facebook!
Social Media Integration: The incorporation of social media features, such as sharing buttons and social feeds, into a website to enhance user engagement and connectivity. This is made easy with the UltimateWB built-in social media tools.
Social Networking: Social Network Websites contain a community where members can interact with one another.  You can integrate social networking plugins in your website to promote and market your website.  Easy using Ultimate Web Buider's Ad(d)s Management tool.  The Ultimate Web Builder e-commerce app also comes with built-in social networking plugins that you can activate, so website visitors can Facebook Like, Tweet, or Google +1 the items you are selling on your website.
Unwanted, irrelevant, or unsolicited messages, links, or content that can negatively impact user experience and security.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer):
A security protocol that encrypts data transmitted between a web server and a user's browser, ensuring secure online transactions.
Static Website: A website that consists of fixed, unchanging web pages with content that does not depend on user interactions or database-driven updates.
Template: A pre-designed layout or structure used as a starting point for creating web pages, making web design and development more efficient. UltimateWB comes with a Templates Generator for quickly and easily creating parts of your website, like adding a contact form, mailing list form, or more advanced features like member website pages such as a registration page, login page, profile page, edit profile page, etc., or a listings directory, classifieds section, or forum. Sections can then be further customized via your admin panel.
Text Editor: Software used for creating and editing plain text files and web code, commonly used by web developers for coding purposes.
Top-Level Domain (TLD): The highest level of a domain name hierarchy, such as .com, .org, or .net. TLDs are part of the domain name's extension.
Traffic: The flow of visitors to a website. Traffic can be categorized as organic (from search engines), direct (typed URLs), or referral (from other websites).
Typography: The art and technique of arranging typefaces (fonts) to make written language legible, readable, and aesthetically pleasing in web design.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): A web address that specifies the location of a resource on the internet, typically starting with "http://" or "https://." This is the link to your website or individual webpages.  The URL to this page is https://www.ultimatewb.com/website-glossary - now, that's a Search Engine & User Friendly URL.
Usability: The extent to which a website or application is easy to use and navigate, with a focus on user-friendliness and efficiency.
User Experience (UX): The overall experience a user has while interacting with a website or application, encompassing design, ease of use, and satisfaction.
User Interface (UI): The visual elements, layout, and design of a website or application that users interact with to perform tasks and access content.
Video Hosting: Services and platforms that allow users to upload, store, and display video content on websites, often used for video streaming. You can set up such a video sharing website easily with the UltimateWB built-in Videos app, as well as Scrapbooks app.
The visible area of a web page within a browser window. Responsive web design adjusts content to fit different viewport sizes.
Virus: Malicious software that can harm or disrupt a website, computer, or network, potentially causing data loss or system damage.
Visitor: An individual who accesses and views a website's pages, contributing to web traffic.
Web Design: The process of planning, creating, and arranging the visual elements and layout of a website to achieve a specific aesthetic and user experience.
Web Developer: A professional responsible for building and maintaining websites, including front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) development. If you would like UltimateWB Pros to design and develop your website, check out the UltimateWB Web Design Packages.
Web Hosting: A service that provides server space and resources to store and make websites accessible on the internet. This puts your website online.  Every website needs a web server, i.e. web hosting.
Web Server: A computer or software application that stores, processes, and delivers web content to users' browsers. UltimateWB Web hosting plans and UltimateWB Cloud utilize a server.
Webmaster: A person responsible for managing and maintaining a website, ensuring its functionality, security, and performance.
Website Builder: A software or platform that simplifies the process of creating and designing websites, often without the need for coding skills. No experience or coding is required with UltimateWB website builder, but you also still have the choice to add your own custom coding too if you want. Website builder may also refer to someone who builds websites.
Wireframe: A visual blueprint or skeletal framework that outlines the layout and structure of a web page or application before actual design and development.
XML (eXtensible Markup Language): A markup language that defines rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
YouTube: A popular video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, view, and share video content.
YouTube Embed: YouTube embed allows website owners to include YouTube videos on their web pages by embedding the video player directly, enhancing multimedia content and user engagement. You can embed YouTube videos via the UltimateWB website builder.
Z-Index: A CSS property that controls the stacking order of elements on a web page, determining which elements appear in front of or behind others.
Error Codes
Here are definitions for common HTTP error codes that may be encountered while browsing the web. These HTTP status codes help both clients (e.g., web browsers) and servers communicate the outcome of a request and handle different scenarios gracefully. Understanding these codes can be useful for troubleshooting web-related issues:

200 OK: This is the standard response for successful HTTP requests. It indicates that the request has been successfully processed, and the server is returning the requested data.
201 Created: This status code indicates that the request has been successfully fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource on the server, typically in response to a POST request.
204 No Content: This status code indicates that the request was successful, but there is no additional data to send back in the response body. It is often used for successful DELETE requests.
301 Moved Permanently: This status code indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. Browsers and search engines should update their links accordingly.
302 Found (or 302 Moved Temporarily): This status code indicates that the requested resource is temporarily located at a different URL. It's often used for temporary redirects.
304 Not Modified: This status code is used in response to conditional GET requests. It indicates that the requested resource has not been modified since the last request, and the browser can use its cached version.
400 Bad Request: This status code indicates that the server did not understand the request due to malformed syntax or missing parameters. It's typically a client-side error.
401 Unauthorized: This status code indicates that access to the requested resource is denied because the client has not provided proper authentication credentials.
403 Forbidden: This status code indicates that the server understands the request, but the client does not have permission to access the requested resource.
404 Not Found: Perhaps one of the most well-known error codes, it indicates that the server could not find the requested resource. It's often displayed when a URL is mistyped or the resource has been removed. A standard HTTP response code indicating that the requested page does not exist. Custom 404 pages are designed to guide users when they encounter such errors.
500 Internal Server Error: This status code indicates that an unexpected condition occurred on the server, preventing it from fulfilling the request. It's a generic server-side error.
502 Bad Gateway: This status code is typically generated when one server, acting as a gateway or proxy, receives an invalid response from another server while trying to fulfill the request.
503 Service Unavailable: This status code indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request, often due to maintenance or overloading.
504 Gateway Timeout: Similar to 502, this status code indicates that a server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or resource.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported: This status code indicates that the server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
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