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Create, Customize, & Integrate Audio Uploads Section For Your Website

First you will want to configure your Audio Uploads App, under the Configure Site > Social Networking > Audio Uploads page.


Social Networking Setup


This will take you to the Audio Uploads Config page:


Audio Uploads App Setup


Here you will find the appropriate Placeholder Texts and the configuration settings, including the audio uploads approval process, how to display the audio uploads, how much (if any) to charge for adding audios/special features, etc.

You can also choose to allow members/visitors to edit their audio uploads info, and the approval process for the edits, on this Audio Uploads configurations page too. 1) Copy/paste the Placeholder Text for the Audio Uploads Edit Form on your webpage (Add/Edit Page), and then 2) Select that webpage in the Edit Audio Uploads Page menu (Audio Uploads Config page).

Options also include setting how many audio uploads users may upload at one time.


Organizing Audio Uploads: You can choose to use categories/types on the Audio Uploads configurations page.  Or you can choose your user audio uploads to just be organized into playlists, or none of the above. 

To create Audio Upload Categories, go to Pages > Add/Edit Page, and just choose the Content Type "Audio Uploads Category"!


Audio Uploads Category Page Type


On this page, after choosing the "Audio Uploads Category" type, this will open up the Audio Uploads Options Section.  Checkmark the box to allow posts (towards bottom of this Add/Edit Page) if you want to allow postings to this category, rather than just use it as a parent audio uploads category, for example.


Audio Uploads Category Options


Here you can choose a Category image, post cost (if any), audio upload types, and who can view/post audio uploads.


To Create Audio Upload Types, click on the Audio Upload Types button on the Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Audio Uploads page:

Audio Uploads Types


This lists all the Audio Upload Types.


Audio Uploads List Types


Click on the "Add Type" tab there on the right side, to go the the Add Type page.  Click on the "Fields" button in a Type row here to go to the Type List Fields page, and to add fields to the video type.


Classifieds Add Type


On the Audio Uploads Type page you can configure which feature options to enable for this type, such as a Buy Button.


Audio Uploads Configure Type


On the Audio Uploads Type List Fields page you get the list of fields, and you can click on the "Add Type Field" tab on the right side to add more fields for a photo upload type, and click on the "Options" button in any field to add/edit options for that field if it is a selectable field (rather than a text input field).


Scrapbooks List Type Fields


To Manage Audio Uploads (postings), go to Members > Member Audio Uploads.

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