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How To Add Instant Messaging (Real-time Chat)

 instant Messaging, Real-time user-to-user Chat Feature

Website Setup: In the Chat section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to enable the user-to-user real-time instant messaging feature.  Like other features, you can choose the button images and customize the language.  If you are using SSL (secured server) for your website, you should input your SSL Key / Certificate Paths - your web hosting company can help you with what to input if you are not sure.

Server Setup: UltimateWB web hosting packages come with free server setup of the chat application if requested, and you qualify with at least the Deluxe 2000 plan.  We have included the Chat Server Setup instructions on the Resources > Installation & Upgrading page.

If you use the Chat feature, the chat box will display by default on the bottom right side of the user's screen, when they are logged in.  You can try it out on our website at ultimatewb.com, after logging in.  Users can choose to turn on/off the new instant message notifications sound. The chat box is populated by the user's friends, with their profile picture, username, and online icon if they are online and set that info public (you can choose to user profile pictures, and online status from your website Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking page).

Chat Box

There is also a chat user search box, to search by username of friends.  Clicking on a username or profile picture pops open a chat window at the bottom to start chatting.  Users may choose to minimize this chat box and your website will remember their preference as they browse through your website.


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