Online Consultant

Create & Integrate Polls In Your Website

First, configure the general Polls App configurations on your Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Polls page.


Social Networking Setup


Here you can customize the language phrases and settings.


Polls App Config


You can create polls under the Admin Panel > Elements > Add Poll page. 


Add Poll


On this page you can customize the poll, such as how long you want poll voting to be open, who can vote/how many times, who can access the poll results and when, i.e. after voting only, or when poll voting ends, etc., and language phrases.


Add Poll


Next, you will want to create the poll fields for the poll.  Go to the Admin Panel > Elements > List Polls page.


List Polls


List Polls


There, click on the Fields button to go to the Poll Fields page. 


Poll Fields


(You can also get to the List Fields page by clicking on the "List Fields" link on the Edit Poll page).


List Poll Fields


There click on the Add Poll Field tab on the right side of the page.


Add Poll Field link


You can add up to 20 poll fields at one time.


Add Poll Fields page


And finally, to embed your created form/survey in your webpage, get the Placeholder Text on the List Forms page, and just copy/paste it where you want!


Poll Placeholder Text


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