Online Consultant

Add & Customize Page/Upload Shares

You can add page/user upload share buttons on your webpages, and timeline page.

To add a share button to your webpages, for pages, member pages, custom pages, individual articles, listings, classifieds, scrapbooks, photo uploads, video uploads, file uploads, or calendar events:

On the Pages > Add/Edit Page, scroll down to the "Include Shares On Page" section, right under the "Include Likes / Unlikes On Page":

UltimateWB, Include shares on page


Set the first menu here to "Yes" or "Yes, with Add Comment option".  The second menu is the Type - as noted on the page here, "If this is an Article, Listings, Classifieds, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, File Uploads, or Calendar Category or Page, the Shares Type is automatically for individual articles, listings, classifieds, scrapbooks, photo uploads, video uploads, file uploads, or calendar events, respectively, in this category".  So, if you are not using categories in one of your apps and/or categories are optional, you would turn on Shares on the display page for that app - for example, the photo uploads photo page, for the photo uploads app.

To display the actual Share button, copy/paste the Placeholder Text provided on this section to the place on the page (in the Page Content Editor box) where you want them to appear.  To display who Shared the page/upload, copy/paste that Placeholder text provided here to the place on the page (in the Page Content Editor box) where you want it to appear.  Also, you will need tot enable this feature on the Configure Site > Social Networking >  "Commenting/Rating, Likes, & Shares Config" page.  The direct link to this page is also provided in this section on the Add/Edit page for easy access.  The shares count will link to display who shared the page respectively.

The "Commenting/Rating, Likes, & Shares Config" page is also where you can configure & customize other options for the page/upload shares, including the icons and phrases.

UltimateWB, Page/Uploads Shares Config


To add share buttons to your Timeline, or Member Profile Timeline page, just checkmark the box for which kind of posts you want to include them on, on the Configue Site > Social Networking > Timeline configurations page.

UltimateWB, Share Buttons on Timeline pages

As noted on this Timeline configurations page, you can customize the Share button / feature on the "Commenting/Rating, Likes, & Shares Config" page.