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How to get the chat to work, SSL Key, SSL Certificate Path

Hi David, For the chat to work do i need these keys from my server, and if so can you get them for me. Chat SSL Key Path If you are using SSL, entering the path to your SSL Key here, SSL Certificate Path If you are using SSL, entering the path to your SSL Certificate here, Emailed the login to the CPanel. Thank you, orlonzo

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Hi Orlonzo, thanks for your email.

We can take care of the install for you as you are hosting with UltimateWB. Please confirm that you would like chat installed.

Official UWB Support Team! Contact us directly here!

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Hi David,
Yes go ahead and install (Chat) for me. Emailed the Admin login.
Again thank you.

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Hi Orlonzo,

The chat app has been installed and working on your website now.

The chat window displays on the bottom right corner of your website after a user is logged in.

Please feel free to message if you have any questions.

Official UWB Support Team! Contact us directly here!

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How do members use chat? Privacy settings, friend request, inbox

Hi David, Thanks for setting Chat up in the Admin panel. I login to my account the website for members and i could not find any button for me to chat. How will members use chat. Also privacy settings, friend request, inbox, is not working when members is login to there account. Could you check to find why. And anything you have to fix, go right ahead. You have my okay. Thank you, orlonzo

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Hi Orlonzo,

The chat is similar to Facebook chat - you get a chat window on the bottom right corner of your website when you are logged in as a member in your website. The chat window consists of members you have added as friends. Then you click on the friend's username to pop-up a chat window to chat...

Did you get the chat displayed in the bottom right corner of your website when logged in as a member (not admin)? I checked it with the tester 1 account after activating it and it worked (then I re-inactivated the account). Please let me know what part you are having issues with, because it was working great when I tested it.

Regarding "privacy settings, friend request, inbox" - what specifically isn't working? 

You have the login boxes at the top of your website right now, so after a member logs in, their inbox link will be there too, as you have your inbox created/activated from the templates generator.

You can create privacy settings for profile fields from your admin panel on Configure Site > Social Networking page - in the Registration section and Privacy Settings section.

You should have the Privacy Settings created/activated for members to update from their edit profile page, from the social templates generator. After logging in, members can click on their username (which displays where you have the login boxes) to go to their edit profile page, and then click on the "Privacy Settings" page to manage it.

Friend requests can be made from the public profile page of members, as you have the friends app activated through the social templates generator. Members can go to another member's public profile by clicking on their username on their posts, comments, etc.

Hope this helps!

Please feel free to message if you have any further questions.

Official UWB Support Team! Contact us directly here!

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Hi David,
The only one that does not work is (Privacy Settings)
I login to my account on the website, I click on my username than Privacy Settings.
I than click on (Update Privacy Settings) It flash but did not open. Something is wrong with it.
Check this out for me please. If it is something not set right,
i thank you if you can fix it for me.
Again thank you.

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Hi Orlonzo,

I just tested it now and it is working correctly.

Here is the testing process I used:

Login to website as Tester 1, click on the username link that displays where the login boxes where, then on this Edit Profile page click on the "Privacy Settings" link. On the Privacy Settings page there is the option to show if online or not - if you checkmark this and then click on the "Update Privacy Settings" button, you get the confirmation "Privacy Settings Updated!" and the checkbox to "Show when I'm online" is checkmarked.

Are you getting something different?

Official UWB Support Team! Contact us directly here!

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