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How To Configure Cron Jobs (Automatic Scripts) from Web Hosting Control Panel

UltimateWB Full and UltimateWB Lite offer automatic scripts that you can choose to run from your web server.  Both software versions have the option to run the Sitemap Generator Tool automatically to create a sitemap for your website and keep it updated easily.  UltimateWB Full has an RSS Feed Generator Tool and other automatic scripts available corresponding to the built-in apps that come with it.

Here's how to setup your cron job via your web hosting control panel.

1) Get the file name of the automatic process you want to run: 

From your website admin panel, go to Configure Site > Automatic Scripts

For reference, here is a list of automatic scripts available:

Sitemap Generator: XXX



HTML Feed - Email: XXX

Listings: XXX

Classifieds: XXX

Scrapbooks: XXX

Photo Uploads: XXX

Video Uploads: XXX

File Uploads: XXX

Calendar Events: XXX

Calendar Events Attending, day before notice: XXX

Calendar Events Attending, week before notice: XXX

Calendar Events Might Attend, day before notice: XXX

Calendar Events Might Attend, week before notice: XXX

Forum Posts notifications, daily update: XXX

Forum Posts notifications, weekly update: XXX

E-commerce, Access updates: XXX

2) Login to your web hosting account; Scroll down to the "Cron Jobs" icon and click on it to go to that page.  This web hosting control panel example is cPanel, what UltimateWB web servers offer to customers for managing their web hosting.

Cron Jobs (Automatic Scripts), web hosting control panel, cPanel

If you don't have this icon, make sure your web hosting control panel theme is not the simplified version that is hiding it, or also your version might say "Automatic Scripts" instead.  On UltimateWB web hosting, the icon should be "Cron Jobs" as it is here

3) Set up the Cron job (Automatic Script)

A) First choose the frequency - how often the script will run - you can choose from the most common settings for the easiest setup.

Cron Jobs, Automatic Scripts, Setup, web hosting control panel, cPanel

B) Copy/paste the following code in the Command line, inserting the appropriate values:

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/[your account username]/public_html/[file name]

I) Enter in your web hosting account username where it says [your account username] - without the brackets []

II) Enter in the file name you got in step 1 for the automatic script you want to run where it says [file name] - without the brackets []

"usr/local/bin/php" is the path to your server's php - this is the path for UltimateWB web servers.  If hosting elsewhere, please check with your web hosting company what the path to php is.

"/home/[you account username]/public_html" is the path to your website files - this is the path for UltimateWB web servers.  If hosting elsewhere, please check with your web hosting company what the path to your files is.

cPanel web hosting control panel gives you the option in the Cron Jobs section to get an email notification each time the automatic script is run.  If you do not want to receive an email notification each time the automatic script runs, use the command line 

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/[your account username]/public_html/[file name] >/dev/null 2>&1

instead.  Notice we just have added " >/dev/null 2>&1" to the command line to do this.


C) Finally, click on the "Add New Cron Job" button at the bottom of this form.  You will get a confirmation message:

Cron Jobs, Automatic Scripts, Setup, web hosting control panel, cPanel

That's it!

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