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How To Configure Outlook / Windows Live Mail Client

If you like receiving/sending email from Outlook, or a similar desktop email program, you can easily set this up.  You can get the setup details for your email accounts from your web hosting control panel, cPanel.  For individual email accounts (where there is not access to all email accounts on your website), skip to step 3, "**For Individual Email Accounts Acess" section.

1) Login to your web hosting control panel (refer to logging into cPanel tutorial here).

2) From your web hosting control panel, click on the "Email Accounts" link/icon:

Email Accounts


3) Here, scroll down the page to the list of your created email accounts.


Configure Email Client


Click on the "More" menu, as shown with the blue arrow in the screenshot above.  The screenshot above actually shows the screen right after creating the email address "test@sample-website.com", with the email account confirmation message, and then right below that the list of email accounts including the one just created.


The "More" menu will expand out, with the option to "Configure Email Client" - click on that:

Email Account More Options

**For Individual Email Accounts Acess: You can also acceess the next page by logging into your indidual email account, as described in step3 of the tutorial, How To Access Your Website Email Online.  Namely, login to the url https://[your-domain-name.com]:2096 .  Enter in that individual email account username/password.

And then on the next page, click on the bottom-left "Configure Mail Client" link/icon.

Webmail programs


4) On this page, there are options to click on to automatically configure your email client:


Email Client Auto Configure Options

and also, if you scroll down this page you will find the settings to manually configure your mail client:


Email Client Configure Info

As stated on the Notes section of this page, we recommend using POP3 over SSL/TLS or IMAP over SSL/TLS since they provide increased security for your interactions with the remote mail server.


5) Now if you like doing your mail configuring manually like we do, microsoft has a great tutorial on that here.


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