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Composing Mailers / Sending Mail To Subscribers

Go to the Mailing List > Compose Mailer tab to write your email to your subscribers, choose who to send it to, optionally add file attachments, and then choose to Send, Save & Send, or just Save as a draft to work on it later.  You can get to your Saved Mailers from the Mailing List > Saved Mailers tab.  Click on the Edit icon for the mailer you want to update/send again.

Your Mailer will be sent from your Admin Panel email address, with the Display Name you choose in your Compose Mailer form.  Also choose a unique Subject for your mailer!

Ultimate Web Builder Mailing List (13)

Creating HTML mailers with Images: You can easily create HTML mailers with images embedded throughout your email - no programming experience required.  Just use the text editor box and the Insert/Edit Image button for inserting images, like you can on the Add/Edit Pages.  You can also format your mailer by creating Tables using the Table button on the editor.  More advanced programmers may choose to code the mailer formatting using Divs instead. 

You can also easily embed the latest articles, classifieds, blog, and forum posts to your mailers by copying/pasting the generated Placeholder Texts, available at the bottom of the Compose Mailer page. (refer to Embed Articles, Classifieds, & Blog/Forum Posts Feed - Webpages/Emails)

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