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Member Website Notifications

You can setup your member website notifications from the Configure Site > Social Networking > Page Notifications page.

Members & Social Networking App, Ultimate Web Builder software


On this page you can customize the settings, icons, and phrases, and get the Placeholder Texts for the Website Notification button(s) and Notifications page. 

UltimateWB software, Website Notifications

To integrate the notification button(s) just copy/paste the Notification Button(s) Placeholder Text on the Pages > Add/Edit Page where you want it, such as on the website Header page, to have it on the top of each of your webpages. The Placeholder Text for the notification button(s) will display 1-3 icons depending on your configurations on this page - whether you are using 1 button for all types of notifications, or using icons for the 3 different types of notifications.

To integrate the notifications page, just copy/paste the Notifications Placeholder Text on the Pages > Add/Edit Page where you want it. 

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