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Create blog page where members can post blogs on my website; creating side columns

Hi David I finish Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and About Us, Thank you. (Blog) I want to know if it is possible for me to created a Blog page where members can post blog right on my website. PS: Can a page be created on the left or right side of the website that i can but movies app for members to watch. Let me know what can be done.

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Hi Orlonzo,

Sure, you're welcome! The blog app uses WordPress - that does not allow visitors to make posts, just comments. But you can use the articles app to allow members to write "blog posts", or "articles" - whatever you want to call it. it has a feature to show related articles too.

User Manual: https://www.ultimatewb.com/articles-app/articles-app-setup-posting-editing-managing-posts

You already have it set up from the templates generator, at: [your-website]/articles

Regarding "PS: Can a page be created on the left or right side of the website that i can but movies app for members to watch." - not sure what you mean, please clarify. If you mean a side right/left column, yes - just choose content type "Side Right" or "Side Left" on List Pages > Add Page. You can also use the Add Page Content Box to add a section there. There is a videos app you can use, which you have installed here: [your-website]/videos .

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