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Google Search looking for Ning alternatives

Can my Members just do a One time Payment to join? I am providing content thats it. Are there any content storage limitations. Need to load documents, audios and videos Can I implement Affiliate Links or pay members to refer? What payment gateways do you use?Can I send Bulk Email Is it Mobile Ready Can I do Mass email Is there a graphical Website builder interface for non techies 

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Hi Dee,

We do have many customers who choose UltimateWB for their social networking website.

>Can my Members just do a One time Payment to join?  What payment gateways do you use?

Yes, you can set up a one-time payment to join, via the built-in e-commerce/members apps in UltimateWB Full.  Current payment gateway is PayPal.  You can set it up so that after payment confirmation, the user is automatically added to a member group, which allows them access to certain parts of your website.  Alternatively, you could also set it up so that the activation is manual, and also process payments manually that you receive via your website checkout form.

>I am providing content thats it. Are there any content storage limitations. Need to load documents, audios and videos

We have several web hosting packages available at https://www.ultimatewb.com/domain-names-web-hosting .  These packages do have set limits on disk space available, varying based on package/size.  With UltimateWB you are also free to install the website builder software onto another web server of your choice, as long as it meets the server requirements: https://www.ultimatewb.com/server-requirements .  Our web hosting packages include free SSL (secured server), email, traffic statistics, and free professional installation of your purchased software onto your web hosting account.  We do have software install instructions/video available at https://www.ultimatewb.com/installation , as well as provide a software install service for those not hosting with UltimateWB if interested: https://www.ultimatewb.com/pro-services .

>Can I implement Affiliate Links or pay members to refer?

Yes, UltimateWB Full has an affiliates app you can use for that to automatically pay them for referrals: https://www.ultimatewb.com/e-commerce-app/affiliates-program .

>Can I send Bulk Email > Can I do Mass email

Yes, UltimateWB Full and UltimateWB Lite both have a builtin mailers app where you can create HTML mailers (no coding required), and send out mailers in bulk.

Configure Mailing List - Add Subscription Form, Mail Groups, Mailers - https://www.ultimatewb.com/mailing-list-app/set-up-mailing-list-form

Composing Mailers / Sending Mail To Subscribers - https://www.ultimatewb.com/mailing-list-app/composing-mailers-sending-mail-to-subscribers

Customizing A Mass Email To Each Individual Subscriber Automatically & Easily! - https://www.ultimatewb.com/mailing-list-app/customize-mass-emails

>Is it Mobile Ready 

All UltimateWB Full software come with a built-in responsive app that can be used to turn your website mobile-friendly with one click.  More info here: How to create your own responsive website without any coding! - https://www.ultimatewb.com/responsive-app/how-to-create-your-own-responsive-website-without-any-coding .

>Is there a graphical Website builder interface for non techies 

UltimateWB can probably be better classified as being more like a Word software.  You don't need to know coding to create your website, but UltimateWB offers configurations you can play around with to have your website work the way you want.  We do have demos online available at https://www.ultimatewb.com/demolinks - you can check out what the website admin panel looks like first-hand, besides checking out the user manuals and video tutorials available under the "Resources" tab at www.ultimatewb.com .

Hope this helps! Please feel free to ask any further questions.

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