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53 Article(s) Found
You can customize your Forms configuration under the Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Forms tab.   Here you can customize the language phrases and settings.   You can create forms/surveys under the Admin...[ Read More... ]
Configure the format, style, and language of your Member Forms and Social Networking Tools, including the Member Registration Forms and the Member Sign Up & Activation Process, Edit Profile / Public Profile Page, and Inbox/Sent Box Pages (if you...[ Read More... ]
First, configure the general Polls App configurations on your Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Polls page.     Here you can customize the language phrases and settings.     You can create...[ Read More... ]
If you are hosting your website with one of our web hosting packages, professional installation of the software is FREE!  And also installation of any software updates!! If not, you can follow the instructions on the  Resources >...[ Read More... ]
You can configure how your e-commerce item reviews work - customize the rating system images to use, the language phrases, whether logged in members and/or guests can post reviews, and how reviews are processed/activated - on the Configure Site >...[ Read More... ]
You can create admins to moderate and manage your website from the Admins menu on your Admin Panel. On the Add Admin/Edit Admin page set access permissions - choose which sections of the Admin Panel each admin can access.  
To backup your database content, go to the Configure Site > Backup Database tab. Just click on the "Create Database Backup" button there and a database backup file will be created on your server.  The file will get listed under the...[ Read More... ]
**Update, as of Ultimate Web Builder 3.4 (all versions!), you can easily format your webpage using Divs, as described here: Further Formatting Webpage With Divs - Without Coding! Now onto creating tables, for tabular data (like our comparison...[ Read More... ]
To create coupons to use for your shopping cart on your website, go to the E-Commerce > Add Coupon tab and just fill in the form there.   You can enter in the discount amount you want to give and whether it is a dollar value (in...[ Read More... ]
You can add your own custom php or html coding using the Ad(d)s section in your Admin Panel.  Please refer to the "Adding Google Ads, You Tube Videos, Gym Chat Videos/Media Feeds, Google Analytics, and other Plugins" article, except instead of...[ Read More... ]
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