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You can setup your member website notifications from the Configure Site > Social Networking > Page Notifications page.   On this page you can customize the settings, icons, and phrases, and get the Placeholder Texts for the Website...[ Read More... ]
You can keep your members in the loop and increase activity on your social network website by turning on the Email Notifications options on this section on the Admin Pane, Configure Site > Social Networking page.  Just turn the "Use Email...[ Read More... ]
Besides setting up the option for members/visitors to subscribe to new comments and receive email notification as described on "Configuring Comments & Ratings Section: Comment Like/Unlike, Subscribe, Post Processing", you can also...[ Read More... ]
Adding attachments to your mailer: You can add up to 2 attachments to your mailer (scroll down on the Compose Mailer page for uploading the file(s) by clicking on the "Browse" buttons to locate the file on your computer).  For adding more...[ Read More... ]
  You can choose to use the Default or Custom Public Profile Page formatting, by selecting it on the Page Type menu in the Public Profile Page section on the Configure Site > Social Networking page.  Make sure to copy/paste the Public...[ Read More... ]
You can add page/user upload share buttons on your webpages, and timeline page. To add a share button to your webpages, for pages, member pages, custom pages, individual articles, listings, classifieds, scrapbooks, photo uploads, video...[ Read More... ]
You can easily integrate a Facebook Connect / Login button and/or Google Login button in your website with UltimateWB. Just input in your Facebook App / Google App info...!  Enter in your App ID and App Secret on the Admin Panel...[ Read More... ]
You can add page/user upload likes and unlikes on your webpages, and timeline page. To add likes/unlikes to your webpages, for pages, member pages, custom pages, individual articles, listings, classifieds, scrapbooks, photo uploads, video...[ Read More... ]
In the Friend section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to allow members to request/add other members as friends.  Like other features, you can choose/customize the respective buttons, and how to display...[ Read More... ]
UltimateWB Full and UltimateWB Lite offer automatic scripts that you can choose to run from your web server.  Both software versions have the option to run the Sitemap Generator Tool automatically to create a sitemap for your website and keep...[ Read More... ]
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